mardi 28 juillet 2015


Hello! Sorry, I didn't have any time to work on the project(I mean creating assets or coding), but I'm uploading the next beta for testing the map. I also added stairs for going to low poly version from UE4 landscape version.

I'll also be away for a day and a half, so there won't be any post here
Bye :)

lundi 27 juillet 2015

27/07/2015: The sequel!

Good evening! I managed to get some time off(I was busy doing table rpgs all the day x3) and to get the collisions working, thanks to th3c4k3is4li3. I also textured(if I can call that texturing) the low poly landscape mesh and imported it in UE4, with some foliage. Here are some screenshots:

But, and as you mave have seen, there are always some bugs, this time with the foliage :'(
Bye :)


dimanche 26 juillet 2015


Hello! Since I don't have much spare time today, I decided to work a bit during the morning, and so I decided to put the tree I created yesterday, and it looks good (or at least I think so x3). I also managed to create collisions for my low poly terrain, and I will soon release a tutorial on it :D
So, here are some screenshots :

And voilà! I'll probably show you how the collisions are going in the evening, via edit.

Have a nice day,



Hello everybody! Sorry, I was a little harsh yesterday evening(or should I say this morning?) because I was really tired. I didn't worked a lot on the project today, but I achieved to obtain a 3d model of my test landscape in low poly style. Thus I can't manage to create correct collisions (which is essential for putting the landscape in the game) I think I found a good way to create low-poly landscapes, and I'll do a quick tutorial on the way I do it later. If you have any idea on how I can fix this(or want to see a quick explanation of my workflow), check this out. However, here comes the screenshots of what I did today :D

If you wanna test out on this little landscape, here is the heightmap:
Anyway, thanks for supporting us, I'll quickly create IndieDB and Facebook pages.
Have a nice day,
PS: I also created the replacement(and definitive, I hope) mesh for the basic tree, but I didn't imported it in UE4 yet:

samedi 25 juillet 2015


Here are some screenshots from Saturday's work on the project:

There are some bugs with the basic trees(the ones with only one leaves sphere) on the bark, but it's not important since I'm gonna remodel it with a more low-poly approach(it was done with a pure smoothed cone). Landscape creation was already done before the creation of the blog, and I don't have any screenshot, so... Deal with it
Have a nice night :)
PS: We're creating this map for having a base map for creating content of the game. We'll create the world map after base mechanics are done :D


Hi and welcome on A magical egg's life Devblog. I'm lacaulac, a 16 yo french student, and I'm working on AMEL with Yonain. AMEL is a 3D low-poly adventure game, in which you're playing as a magical egg on his (long) way to home. We'll be posting on this blog the daily results of the day's "making". Here is the (temporary) introduction for the game:
The clouds are floating in the gigantic ocean-like sky. Here, the celestial hens are living peacefully in groups, taking advantage of each second in the goal of laying eggs and protecting their childs. When, suddenly... Skyquake. An egg falls. The hens are in panic, but they can't resolve to abandon all their childrens for saving one. You'll be alone in the lands of Illydia. Walk through forests, mountains, beaches and volcanos to reach the magical elements you'll need to open the rainbow portal and come back in the celestial world. The mother hen will lend you her power for fighting against all the hazards you'll encounter on your way, with among them the terrible burning hedgehog. This is your fate.
You can find us on and soon on Facebook, Twitter and IndieDB. Thanks for supporting us, and if you like what we're doing, you can donate or/and share this page :)